Good bobbins for your embroidery machine is very important to avoid jamming, always check which bobbin fits your machine.
Bobbins for the embroidery machine
Also for the embroidery machine there is a wide range of bobbins available. For each brand of embroidery machine we sell the right bobbins.
Often different bobbins are used for the embroidery machine than for the sewing machine.
By using special bobbins suitable for the embroidery machine it is important to use the right bobbins for a nice result.
With frequent use of the embroidery machine it is very convenient to fill several bobbins in advance
with the correct bobbin thread so that you can quickly and easily change an empty bobbin for a full one during embroidery.
With the bobbins on our website it is indicated for which brand and type of embroidery machine they are suitable so you can easily order the right bobbins.